the episodes

How this started - the eleven "episodes".

It began in 2008 with an issue I was trying to address: a longstanding frustration with recreational folk dancing. I had trouble learning new material, and often felt awkward. Yet occasionally I also heard people say I was a good dancer. Sure, in the course of life, being hypercritical of oneself is a common pitfall. But I started noticing that beyond the internal conflict, I was also dealing with a contrast of values and esthetics within folk dancing that I had not previously noticed or heard discussed.
At the time, I was using Myspace for miscellaneous blogging. To maintain continuity between posts on this topic, I numbered each one as an "episode". Though I may not be focusing on the original issue, I think I'll keep the name for now. Kef is a good thing. Though you can't necessarily make it happen - when it does, it is always appreciated.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

dancing at the back of the line (Facebook 12/10/11)

December 10, 2011 at 12:42am

Dancing at the back of the line can be rewarding, but also has responsibilities and pitfalls. 

Last week at the Kolo Festival in SF, I was chastised (mildly), during a dance, for not providing the leader enough room to escape from inside the circle.  I responded knowingly, "Oops, sorry.  I must have spaced-out."

Tonight, at an annual folk dance party in the North Bay, someone decided to rescue the end from me, "because" I had forced the leader outside the circle.  "People like to see the leader waving the handkerchief."  He explained further, "The person at the back of the line is referred to as the 'traffic cop'".  And to prove authority, he added, "I learned that at the Kolo Festival!"

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